We’ve analyzed the profiles of over 25 hundred lawyers currently working for a select group of Canadian law firms known as the 7 Sisters. Here are 7 interesting facts about them:
1# Where are their lawyers located?
2# The 7 Sisters sorted by size and location
3# Bay Street, Montreal and Calgary at a glimpse
4# Which law school did 7 Sister-lawyers attend and where do they work now?
McGill should deserve extra credit for those 105 lawyers who work in Toronto; that’s more than any other non-Ontario law faculty. The BCL program is probably a key factor to this success.
UBC, the undisputed leader when it comes to the Sisters’ offices in B.C., also claims a large stake of the legal markets in Ontario and Alberta.
5# The top 7 law programs among the Sisters in Canada
6# A closer look at Bay Street
7# What LL.M’s do lawyers at the 7 Sisters prefer?
Stay tuned, we’ll discuss this fact in a future post.